Anchor Counseling Centers is excited to offer telehealth services to all in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Serving children, adolescents, and adults, we have many therapists with all different backgrounds. We offer a range of theories and techniques from Behavior Modification, Play Therapy, Art Therapy, and Family Systems to CBT DBT, Sand Tray, EMDR, Motivational Interviewing, and Reality Therapy. Each person is individually assessed for needs and an attainable treatment plan is developed to reach goals.
What is telehealth? Is it covered by my insurance?
Telehealth is therapy provided through a secure video platform. All of our telehealth appointments are provided through secure, HIPAA compliant platforms that maintain confidentiality and privacy. All insurance providers cover video telehealth appointments.
Why choose telehealth?
Telehealth is conducted from the convenience of your own home. There is no drive to the office, no waiting in the waiting room, and no drive back home. All you need is a device that is connected to the internet and a private place in your home to engage in the session.
Can you provide telehealth outside of Maryland?
All Anchor Counseling Therapists are licensed in the State of Maryland. We are able to provide services to a patient who is physically located Maryland. We will confirm your location at the start of the session. We have limited therapists licensed in Pennsylvania and Virginia as well.
Who can participate in telehealth?
Telehealth can be beneficial for all ages and many diagnosis. You will work with your provider to develop a treatment plan and ensure you are receiving appropriate treatment and you are appropriate to participate in telehealth.
Is there research supporting telehealth?
Research shows that implementing evidence-based practices requires a comprehensive, multi-pronged approach. All Anchor therapists are trained in telehealth ethics and are happy to discuss this with you.
Telehealth is therapy provided through a secure video platform. All of our telehealth appointments are provided through secure, HIPAA compliant platforms that maintain confidentiality and privacy. All insurance providers cover video telehealth appointments.
Why choose telehealth?
Telehealth is conducted from the convenience of your own home. There is no drive to the office, no waiting in the waiting room, and no drive back home. All you need is a device that is connected to the internet and a private place in your home to engage in the session.
Can you provide telehealth outside of Maryland?
All Anchor Counseling Therapists are licensed in the State of Maryland. We are able to provide services to a patient who is physically located Maryland. We will confirm your location at the start of the session. We have limited therapists licensed in Pennsylvania and Virginia as well.
Who can participate in telehealth?
Telehealth can be beneficial for all ages and many diagnosis. You will work with your provider to develop a treatment plan and ensure you are receiving appropriate treatment and you are appropriate to participate in telehealth.
Is there research supporting telehealth?
Research shows that implementing evidence-based practices requires a comprehensive, multi-pronged approach. All Anchor therapists are trained in telehealth ethics and are happy to discuss this with you.